[message]About Us
We are a Family run small business. We have 3 children who love to help us out, when they feel like it. Our Faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit come before everything. We try our best to make and sell quality products that make people feel good. My Wife started selling LulaRoe clothing line back in 2016 and we have since expanded into custom products, wigs, and so much more.
The clothes you've been waiting for. Have you ever walked out of a dressing room completely defeated? Well this won't happen with LuLaRoe. My job is to make you feel beautiful in your clothes. I am a wife, Christian, mother of 3 miracles and 7 angel babies, I am a fertility warrior, and wear my heart on my sleeve. Look around, shop, reach out to me for any styling questions and I would love to have you join my VIP www.facebook.com/groups/lauraslularoelegacy